


For Those Wandering Along the Way (Featured in Ekstasis Magazine)

Justice & Mercy and Other Poems (Featured in In Parentheses)

The Long Defeat (Featured in A Glass of Wine With Edgar)

Quiet and I (Featured in Diversity: There’s Beauty in that Too)

Sir Dregil and the Beasts of Wice (Featured in Bluing the Blade Vol. 1.1)

All is Well (Featured in Whales of Arcadia)

Christ in Paradox & Amen (Featured in Lost Pen Magazine)

Eden in the Grey (Featured in Bearings Online)

Theotokos (Featured in Ekstasis Magazine)

La Isla (Featured in In Parentheses Vol. 7, Issue 1)

To My 1948 Hermes Baby (Featured in Transcendentals Vol. 1, Issue 3)

Speech Act Theory (Featured in Calla Press)

Isaiah’s Vision (Featured in Calla Press)

The Sum of Things (Coming Soon)

Nativitas (Featured Alongside My Essay Foreboding Joy)

St. Hubert & The Deer (The Dewdrop)

The Conversion of St. Ignatius (Writeresque Vol. 4)

The End is Nigh (Featured in Ekstasis Magazine)

Tulsa (Featured in Wild Roof Journal Issue 15)

The Broadcast and The Garden Toad (Featured in Duck Head Journal Sept. 2022)

A New York City Coffee Shop (Featured in Boats Against The Current Mag Issue 1

Finals (Featured in Cathexis Northwest)

Essays & Articles

A Cynic’s Confession (Winner of Fathom Mag’s 2021 Writing Contest)

Ethics for Exile (Featured in The Washington Institute)

Learning Aslan’s Name (Featured in Forefront)

Grace at Mount Doom (Featured in Ekstasis)

Apocalyptic Activism (Featured in Premier Christianity)

Three Reasons You Should Embrace Physical Church (Featured in Premier Christianity)

3 Ways Pentecost Speaks to our Post-Pandemic World (Featured in Premier Christianity)

Faith Without Awe is Dead (Featured in Dappled Things)

Capturing the Holy Present (Featured in Busted Halo)

The Givenness of Poetry (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

Memento Mori (Featured in Macrina)

Living Like Hobbits (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

The Holy Present (Featured in Solum Issue II)

3 Ways Art Can Help You Practice Advent (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

A Framework for Unity (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

Foreboding Joy (Featured in Ekstasis Magazine)

Walking w/ Virgil (Featured in Fare Forward)

Sins As Old As Time (Featured in Premier Christianity)

The Christian Response to Reckless hate (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

Wendell Berry Taught Me To Preach (Featured in Christianity Today)

Can We Talk About The Whole ‘Christian Art’ Thing? (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

How to Practice Intellectual Humility (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

Honesty & Justice (Featured in He Reads Truth)

Interview With Rich Villodas (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

Undaunted Joy # 16 (Featured in Undaunted Joy)

Plaster Cherubim (Featured in The Curator Magazine)

The Importance of Presence In A Transient World (Featured in Common Good Magazine)

Short Stories

An Angelic Visitation (Featured in Scribble Vol. 2.6)